In the application of vat and sulfur dyes, a large amount of hazardous by-products are generated from chemical reducing agent…
This study describes the use of a new polymer based modified cyclodextrins (CDs) as a finishing agent of natural cotton…
The main objective of this paper is to study and model the relaxation behaviour of fabric wrinkle recovery. Based on…
The aim of the present work is to investigate the influence of finishing products on sewing needle penetration force. For…
Encapsulation is a suitable way to control fragrance release and to make perfumed textiles more durable. Polystyrene-based microparticles containing fragrance…
This article would like to elucidate the history and the difference betwen the movement of feminism in west and Islam…
Touch of education of gender perspective is a needs today because the children to be a complex scircle. Purpose of…
Political parties have a strategic role in increasing women's representation in the legislature. The patterns and system development of gender…
Islam --sebagaimana yang termaktub di dalam Al-Qur’an dan Hadis Nabi SAW-- tidak membedakan antara perempuan dan laki-laki semata-mata karena perbedaan…
The policies of a school tend to be no gender value and no a wise affirmation applied to the broadening…